Academy Course, Painting, Watercolor
Lecture # 123-25 |
12 students
| 450 EUR pP |
Mon 14.04.- Wed 16.04.2025| 3 days

Venice is a city that exudes a mysterious aura. The technique of watercolor painting is ideal for capturing this fourth dimension and spontaneously illustrating it. As a city painter, it is essential to also paint from photos and sketches in the studio, because there is not always a suitable place available on site. There are motifs that can only be realized with a photo. We will use these as a suitable source of inspiration over three intensive days. Participants are welcome to bring their own templates, which will be analyzed and discussed together to provide the best possible motivation for a challenging visual idea. Bernhard Vogel also offers participants his own collection of motifs as a special treasure to inspire them. The objective is to concentrate on mood, mysticism and atmosphere in order to gain key experiences for one’s own development.

The primary technique used will be watercolor, but other techniques such as aerocolor and acrylic will also be tried out.
It is fun to work on a specific topic, to improve and to experiment with new techniques.
Bernhard Vogel will be working with us and demonstrating his new approach.
The aim of the course is to create contemporary watercolors.
