In recent years, drawing has been increasingly recognized as the basis of artistic work. In fact, drawing opens up a multitude of skills that we can utilize in painting and sculpture. So we want to devote five days intensively to drawing. The beginning will be easy, because we will start by drawing from templates that we have available or that you can bring with you. On the second, third and fourth days we will devote ourselves to nudes and portraits in the usual way. If the weather permits, we will spend half a day in the pedestrian zone and draw people, architecture or both together. It turns out that it is easier than expected and, above all, a lot of fun. During these five days, we develop a beautiful drawing repertoire that helps us to make progress in all artistic disciplines.
Basic drawing course
Lecture # 051-25 |
12 students
| 450 EUR pP |
Wed 02.04.- Sun 06.04.2025| 5 days
10-17 Uhr